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Orchestration Shorthand

flutes.oboes.clarinets.bassoons. - horns.trumpets.trombones.tuba. - timpani.percussion.other. - strings


pno = piano

hp = harp

cel = celeste

hps = harpsichord

synth = synthesizer


Additional Instruments:

Indicated by +

2+pic. = 2 flutes + 1 piccolo

pic = piccolo

eh = english horn

ebcl = Eb clarinet

bcl = bass clarinet

cbsn = contrabassoon

ssax = soprano saxophone

asax = alto saxophone

tsax = tenor saxophone

bsax = baritone saxophone

ptpt = piccolo trumpet (in D)

euph = euphonium


p = percussionist (e.g. 3p = 3 percussionists)

t = timpani

tgl = triangle (or tri)
tamb = tambourine
sd = snare drum
bd = bass drum
cym = pair of clashed cymbals
s.cym = suspended cymbal
t-t = tam-tam
t.bells = tubular bells (or chimes)
cast = castanets
crot = crotales
mcas = maracas = temple blocks
c.bell = cow-bell
glsp = glockenspiel  (or glock)
mar = marimba
vib = vibraphone
xyl = xylophone
wdbl = wood-block



Indicated by brackets

2(2pic). = 2 flutes with 2nd flute doubling piccolo

3(2eblc,3bcl) = 3 clarinets with 2nd doubling Eb clarinet and 3rd doubling bass clarinet



3(3pic).2+eh.3+bcl(1ebcl).asax.2+cbsn. - 4.3(1ptpt)3.euph.1. - t.3p(sd,bd,cym,t-t,mar,vib).hp.pno. - str(


3 flutes with 3rd doubling piccolo

2 oboes + english horn

3 clarinets + bass clarinet with 1st doubling Eb clarinet

Alto saxophone

2 bassoons + contrabassoon


4 horns

3 trumpets with 1st doubling piccolo trumpet

3 trombones





3 percussionists playing snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, tam-tam, marimba, and vibraphone




Strings with the following number of stands:

8 stands of firsts

8 stands of seconds

6 stands of violas

5 stands of cellos

4 stands of bass

* The specific number of stands is not always noted 



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